Report of the Administrative Compliance Audit of Certain Provisions in the State of Minnesota Human Rights Act, Statewide Affirmative Action Program, and Procurement Act.
This audit of the State of Minnesota’s equal opportunity laws assesses the administrative application of certain provisions of the State’s Procurement Act (Minn. Stat. § 16C), Human Rights Act (Minn. Stat. § 363/363A) and Statewide Affirmative Action Program (Minn. Stat. § 43A). The period covered for determining compliance is the past five years, along with an analysis of the State’s appropriation to the Minnesota Department of Human Rights over the past 20 years. This report focuses on the State’s efforts to comply with the specific provisions identified in the Request for Proposal and contains the results of our analysis as well as findings and recommendations for improvement.
Click here to download the entire Audit Report.